There are reasons, of course:
- “Grabbing pussies.” An admitted sexual abuse which in any parallel universe would and should doom any public servant because the American public holds our leaders up to a certain standard of behavior. Saving that, to bring out an old trope we all pick up in kindergarten (when we’re five) he should be a-fucking-shamed of himself. But Trump is such a narcissist he is shameless. Which is a helpful trait for…
- Billing yourself as a great businessman – and no doubt all businessmen/entrepreneurs experience their share of hardships along the way – but being born on third and thinking you hit a triple does not a great business mind make. Hence getting a $1MM loan from his father, (bringing to mind Mitt Romney’s famously egalitarian call to the wealthiest 1% of Americans) who also gave junior a tony on-the-job position to learn the business. Having graduated from Wharton (where certainly no connections were used to get him in) you’d think he’d learn how to run a business without “living off the government”. Instead, he consistently builds monolithic skyscrapers with his name on them – no compensation there – that are later sold. He also “used the laws that were there” to declare six bankruptcies related to his casinos and hotels. So exactly what aspect of business is he good at…
- Not paying workers. In this, Trump is an equal opportunity “non”-employer. Employees and contractors big and small have sued this man for non-payment of services rendered. Among them are folks as diverse as dishwashers to (incredibly) the lawyers who represented him in the lawsuits they filed on his behalf in the first place! Used to be someone who didn’t pay their bills was looked upon as unreliable at best and a lying, untrustworthy welch at worst. Explain to me again why this qualifies him to control the White House and the most powerful nation in the world? At least he knew about bankruptcies…courtesy of the lawyers he never paid. Which leads us to who Trump looks out for…
- Self-interest. For someone who claims to want to make this country great he does everything he can not to invest in America and instead turn the biggest profit he can. After all, how rich do you need to be, right? Maybe there’s never enough given the baby mamas he’s got to take care of. But, at some point you invest in the country to make a difference no? You be the change you are trying to see yes? No. He has a track record of manufacturing his chintzy products in China and third-world countries. There are plenty of manufacturers who do this, it’s not a surprise. They do it because it’s cheaper. But none of them are running for president and calling the kettle black. But calling things black (subtly) is, of course, a central tenet of Trump’s campaign…
- Racism. If you cited his “look-at-my-African-American-over-there” statement in June you’d have an eyebrow raising instance of insensitivity. If you started with his thinly-veiled “birtherism” of President Obama to illustrate that he is distrustful of (and racist towards) African-Americans you’d have a point. But if you began in 1973, when the federal government (you wonder now why he regales against “the rigged system”) sued his and his father’s respective asses for violating the Fair Housing Act when they proved Trump discriminated against tenants and potential tenants because they were black, then, well then you’d have proof. Seems they failed the old “Pepsi challenge” (dating myself, I know) in relation to a Brooklyn apartment complex when a black home seeker and white home seeker were after the same apartment on subsequent days (little did he know they were married, which is probably something else he’d like the power to change). He admitted no guilt as a result of the settlement, which circles back to my previous reason.
- Gotta love a country where you can feel free to insult a Muslim Gold star family, call Mexicans rapists, refuse to condemn the KKK (in fact get endorsed by their newspaper for his, um, non-commitment to decency?), and oh yeah, slight native Americans and Jews. Under Old Glory’s protection, you could even feel free to disagree with Trump at one of his rallies…oh wait.
But most important reason he’s a no? She’s infinitely more qualified for the job.
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