Do not take this as a harbinger of where our country is headed.
This is one of my favorite subjects and I’m surprised (only at myself) that it’s taken this long to officially discuss it on Unsolicitd.
Quiet as it’s kept, I firmly believe this is the last gasp before the dying of the light. It is the last false hope of what is no longer sustainable or real (conjuring images of traveling hucksters pulling dubious miracle cures -such as resuscitating coal mines- from the shabby lining of a worn out suitcase). Apparently you can ascend to the highest office in the land by selling false hopes and telling Dennis Rodman he’s fired. That’s much easier than finding actual solutions to people being disenfranchised. But when we’re all dead and gone, you can no more turn back the flow of globalization, diversity, human rights and truth than you can put spilled milk back into the container. I refuse to accept that xenophobia, misogyny, racism, hate and fear, surreptitiously cloaked as “patriotism”, is where our country is headed (back to). Really?! Gonna put that hood back on? Maybe it’s the optimist in me that thinks we know better than that. Perhaps I’m naïve. But understand, we have a say in this country too. We are goddamn shareholders.
Do take this as a call to action.
To stand up against injustice every time you encounter it. Regardless whenever (at play or at work), however (always peacefully but intelligently and passionately), wherever (home, away, abroad) and whoever (family, friends or acquaintances) is selling it. Let’s use this as a chance to get more involved. To protest, yes. In California, NY and Chicago; but also in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio and Michigan (my home state). It’s time to double down. It’s time to be an activist, it’s time to make your voice heard, it’s time to understand the law and what is and isn’t unconstitutional because that shit will be tested, beleedat. It’s time to use that big brain of yours, that keen intellect, to motivate, to educate, to have dialogue, especially with those who hold different opinions. It’s time to donate. It’s time to support righteous causes. Its time to put down that glass of Pinot Noir, or Chardonnay or small batch whiskey (well, at least once) and write the congressman/woman your congressmen/women work with. It’s time to divest and invest. It’s time to pay off your debt and save. It’s time to create. It’s time to denounce. It’s time to finally visit D.C. to be heard, and as N.W.A. once said, start some shit (ironically, I’ve never been).
To get involved:
- Write! Letters to your elected officials AND the elected officials of other states: visit the sixty-five!
- Visit your congressman/woman’s office (locally or in Washington D.C.); what a great reason for a trip and unannounced visit!
- Check out Elizabeth Warren
- Register (that’s right) for Trump’s list of Muslim-Americans (unconstitutional and so Nazi Germany it’s f&%$ing ridiculous). Sounds crazy but once you read it you’ll realize it’s the most American thing you can do
- Check out Bernie Sanders
- Educate yourself on every move Trump makes; for instance, he’s tapped Jeff Sessions for Attorney General: Sessions, an original nominee of Reagan -big surprise- for a federal judgeship in ‘86, was rejected BY REPUBLICANS, because of racists remarks
- Fight for local and national ballot measures to maintain energy standards and environmentally friendly initiatives (and keep Congress honest on the Paris agreement)
- Volunteer, locally or nationally